What Do Writers Write, When They Haven’t A Clue?

What do writers write about when they have no clue what to write about? What words hit the page, when there is no event to cover, public interest or personal thing that lends itself to writing a story? That is exactly what this story is going to investigate.

Of course, I say Writers, loosely. Mostly this applies to one lost writer I know.

I sit at my computer, brainstorming over ideas of nothing. The little voice in my head rehearses that writer’s mantra of “Writer’s Write,” so write something. Write anything! Certainly, there must be something of interest for me to put words on paper.

My writer friend, Phil, who seems to never lack for something to write about, of course, that is pretty much all he does these days. I still have a “real” job as my husband would tell me. If it were up to me that would be my only “real” job, but finances just do not follow inline for me. Anyway, he asks me every time I see him, “So what have you been writing lately? I haven’t seen any posts from you.”

I need more rocket events; I always write about them when they are in season. Unfortunately, Rocket Season just ended for the spring. Only the big boys that we take to White Sands are left to be tested at the end of June. I have been doing pregame on that event, but I cannot launch those yet. Pun definitely intended. I love Rockets, and I had to get it in there somewhere. But as is the usual schedule of events, after June, I have no more rockets and sadly my enthusiasm seems to wane. So, in answer to his question, “Not a whole lot. Some poetry here and there. A fictional story once in a while. Oh, I did a devotion for our Lenten book at church. Does that count?”

I told him, I would love to travel and write about where I travel. He asks, “ Why aren’t you doing it?” Same answer, “Time, money, PTO, did I mention money.” Yup it’s a rut!

Now here I am, trying to at the very least write something. And here is the best part. I love having spell check and an editor, but can’t it just leave me alone until I want it’s help? I don’t even know what I am writing about! What do I care if it is correct at this point?

I am sitting here trying to figure out where to go from here, tapping inertly on my keyboard. When a story I saw in the Daily Update of the Fredericksburg Standard comes to mind, and I wonder why, now? Here is the answer, and it is something to write about, however briefly.

The band is reviving the Cake Walk this Thursday, at the Farmer’s Market at Market Platz. Actually, it is TODAY! They have asked for percussion alumni to come play the old traditional cowbell cadence. As I ponder for ideas, I realize my inert drumming is that very cadence. Not surprising, since old Bandies tend to revert back to what they know.

The Band Cake Walk hasn’t happened since the 1990’s so I am told, but I was a very young child when I really remember attending the event. I do remember making a pink carousel cake with Peeps animals for horses. I was very proud of it at the time. It was the only decorated one I recall taking to donate and be judged. No, if memory serves me, it did not place.

At the time I recall it used to take place right where Adlesverein Halle is on Market Platz. That corner was a community baseball field at the time. I do remember having fun as a child. By high school it had lost it’s luster. I was a teenager, and both my mother and grandmother made wedding and all occasion cakes for the public and I was forced to help. I hated it. Little did I know I would spend 13 years setting up and delivering cakes for Sophie’s Choice Bakery later in life. My Oma would have been thrilled. She always told me, what you throw away the farthest is what you pick up first. Well, it wasn’t first, but I did pick it up and actually enjoyed it then.

I do intend to attend tonight’s event. I am curious, and nostalgic. I want to hear the cadence. As for the cake walk itself, I will watch, past that I have not decided, only time will tell.

Most of what I have found to note on paper today, probably won’t be of interest to folks not from old Fritztown, but you know what? That is ok. Heck it might not even be entertaining to them. But you know what? There are words on paper. Honestly, that was my goal.

So, I still don’t really know what to write about, but I did have fun rambling around. I hope you enjoyed it. Perhaps I will try to do it more often. You know, make it a thing, titled, “What Do Writers Write About, When They Haven’t a Clue?”

Wishes for the New Year

Once again, the old year passes away.
We greet a new year at the dawning of a new day.
May we each find a way,
To be kind in all we say.

May the New Year bring us hope,
And a new found strength with which to cope.
May we always find a strong hold no matter how steep the slope,
As well as the sense to know when to say, “Nope!”

May we always show love and kindness
To family and friends even in duress.
May we not be overloaded with stress,
And may goodness of character, we always possess.

May we always remember the power of a kind touch,
And how it can mean so much.
May we never hesitate to lend a hand or be a crutch
To those who for strength to us clutch.

May we remember the very young and the very old
And not forget their hands to hold.
May we have courage and be bold,
That what is right we may always uphold.

May we always show love,
In the manner shown to us from above,
Wrapped around us and others as a glove,
A sign to all who meet us, of His love.

May blessing abound in your new year,
Bringing you hope and good cheer.
May your way be clear
And your course easy to steer.
Have a Happy New Year!

Happy Thanksgiving All

I had planned to post something  that I had written in the past for Thanksgiving, only to discover I couldn’t find anything I had written in the past for Thanksgiving. How sad, I thought, such a wonderful holiday and I have never taken the time to write a word about it. Well, now I shall remedy that, even if at the moment I have no idea what I plan to say. So you will just have to bear with me a bit!

It is odd that I haven’t taken the time to write about this holiday since I know it is one of my favorites and I know many say the same. I think it stands out as such because it involves all the wonderful aspects of a holiday without so much commercial fuss.  Yes, it does still have some, but not like Christmas, Easter, and Halloween.

It is designed as a holiday of thanks and sharing of all that we have, so we take the time to get together with family and friends and prepare and share food, 1452392_687153997972401_473183348_nfellowship, fun, parades, football, hunting, church, prayer and thanks. We share sheer joy at just being together. Our gifts for this particular holiday are our food, our joy, our love, and our companionship. We wrap them in smiles, hugs, tears and laughter.

We relax, visit, watch football, play games and eat all day long, and in our case late into the night. In fact sometimes it becomes a campfire party later in the evening.

The biggest stress is preparing food and cleaning at the house. Yes I said it that way on purpose because quite often all the cleaning never gets done (mostly dusting, the floors and bathrooms are clean-hey if you can’t handle that, write your name in the dust and then politely leave through the same door in which you came),  and my family never seems to mind. What didn’t get done will get finished as the Christmas decorations go up next week. Besides, I live in a sand field and I can dust today and it will look like I never did by tonight, especially if the windows are open which they have been off and on lately. But I digress, that is not the point. The point is we get together for this holiday to give great thanks and to just plain eat and have fun.

The stressful stuff starts on Friday as we start shopping for that next biggest holiday of Christmas.  But for Thanksgiving Day, wake up, watch the sun rise and go enjoy your family.img_8693 I know that is what I am going to do. Actually most of them are coming to my house. I wish every last one of them was, but unfortunately some due to circumstances just cannot. I pray that where ever they are, they are safe and have a wonderful day anyway.

God bless and give thanks for all you have, and pray for those less fortunate than you that may not being having such a wonderful day. May God bless and keep them and fill their needs as well.

Happy Thanksgiving All may you have a wonderful and blessed day.

Day 328-The Sun Rises (Villanelle)

The waves glisten as the crash upon the sand;
The beach shimmers in the early morning;
The sun rises with colors so grand.

Seagulls dance along the strand,
In the water’s edge they are playing;
The waves glisten as the crash upon the sand.

The surf, still cold upon my hand,
Against my skin is crashing;
The sun rises with colors so grand.

Pinks, golds, purples, oranges and blues reflect across the water and the land;
In the sky, higher and higher the sun is gliding;
The waves glisten as they crash upon the sand.

Darkness gives in to dawn at nature’s command,
As clouds take on a gold lining;
The sun rises with colors so grand.

Wonder and beauty surround me as on the beach I stand,
Captivated and watching,
The waves glisten as they crash upon the sand;
The sun rises with colors so grand.


So this is my April’s Fool on myself, because this poem is about the beach. It takes place there, where I am not but would like to be. And now the irony, is that is where my son is enjoying a weekend with buddies at a State Skills USA competition.

Day 323-Mystery of Easter

Easter is a time of joy;
It is a time of true love.
When God showed the world He cared,
And came down to us from above.

He sent His Son to us all,
That we might be forgiven.
That we all might learn to forgive,
And in faith go on living.

He spared not even His life;
So that we might come to believe,
And understand His love for us.
So that loving one another, we might achieve.

For God so loved the world,
He gave His only Son to die,
So that those who believe in Him,
Should have everlasting life.

This is God’s love for us all.
This is God’s gift of grace to us each.
This is why we have faith in Him.
This is the Mystery of Easter which we teach!

Have a happy and Blessed Easter!

Day 322-Easter Season (Limerick)

Easter Season is so near,
With bunnies, eggs and cheer.
But what of the cross;
The tomb can’t go lost,
Or Easter’s message, won’t be dear!

Day 314-The Written Page

I live my life through ink and quill;
Each thing that happens a story still.
Sometimes events are very sad,
While others make me very mad.

Some have lessons in them to learn;
While others in my soul still burn.
Still others are very happy;
But sometimes words for them get sappy.

My life lies on the written page,
For others to read and gauge.
But for me it’s just how I deal;
And get past each notch in life’s spinning wheel.

Day 275-The In and Out of An Idea

Some days ideas just jump into my head,
But then they look around at all the clutter,
Get scared and jump back out again.

Often I catch them before they get away,
But then they just dangle there
Like a fish on a hook waiting to be reeled back in.

The problem is no time, no room, and
No clear thought process that lasts
Long enough bring them to fruition.

If they get away then often I see them,
Peeping in the window reminding me they tried this once already,
And they still don’t see an opening large enough for them to fit.

So I think on them, trying to figure how to make them work.
Often this annoys them, and instead of seeing my solutions,
They disappear taking half my work with me.

This they seem to do just to punish me
For not paying closer attention and making them room
When they first arrived on the scene.

Why do good ideas always come at bad times;
When you have no access to pen and paper,
And then they expect your full attention and memory?

For example, in the shower;
Even if you were to have a pen and paper,
Just try writing in the shower, it will melt and you will never remember it all.

Day 134-Focus on a Writing Challenge

Focus is sometimes the hardest part of writing. I often sit down to write and end up with nothing because I have so many things on my mind that I would like to write about that I leave the page blank in indecision.

Part of my problem is simply not wanting to be like so many others I see. I don’t want to get on here and tell you my life story all the time. I don’t want to use this a place to rant and rave about problems, people, and day-to-day things that irritate me. Trust me the temptation is there quite often. I don’t want to complain or say things that would cause any grief or backlash to any of my friends or family. That is hard quite often too, because sometimes I have a very valid gripe and maybe even an idea of how to better things, but know that voicing these things would only make things worse because the people involved simply don’t think they are allowed to be questioned and would take it out on others.

I am not a “politically correct” person, I prefer to say what I think, albeit in as polite but straight forward way that I can. The problem with this, is also knowing when to speak and when to perhaps wait for a more appropriate time. This is an even harder point, because those of us that like to speak our mind honestly, usually don’t like to have to hold our tongues, but necessity is sometimes just that.

I prefer to stay out of all things political, frankly because that seems to be all I see, hear and read right now, and I just don’t want to add to it, or argue about it with anyone. I do my own research, make my own choices, talk to people on occasion about it, but my views are my views and I don’t want to debate them on here.

I want to write interesting things, although this one may not be, but sometimes you just have to write your way through what you are thinking in order to create a subject to focus on. That is what I am doing today. I have so many things going on in my life that I would love to vent about, but it wouldn’t be wise, so then I have trouble focusing and coming up with an actual subject.

I have considered the idea of allowing my readers to pick subjects and ideas for me to write about. I am mostly a creative writer so I like fiction. It is fun and freeing. I have done plenty of non-fiction as well, and even a little history, tons of poetry, some community interest pieces, short, long and in between.  And now I blog,  where the subject matter is less organized and more spontaneous, which is good and bad. I had intended it to be more daily so that I would write more, but then my favorite subject (ie. rockets) only has big news a few times a year, so I have to find other things to write about.

As you can tell, I can be long-winded, but I have finally come to the Focus of this blog piece. I will continue to write what I want as the mood strikes, but in order to keep me writing on a more regular basis, I would like to entertain the idea of letting people who read this blog, suggest story ideas for me to contemplate and possibly  use. What I will probably do is continue to title my blogs with the blog day # like I do, but then on days that the subject is picked by a reader I will call them Challenge Stories and they will have an assigned # and Title. I will also occasionally write a blog giving the latest ideas and highlighting the ones that I plan to use. Now this will just be for fun but if I use an idea I will reference the  person that suggested it. Be creative, adventurous, and fun.

I guess I will see if anyone really reads this now won’t I?  if no one sends messages with ideas I know I am only writing to entertain myself, which if that is the case, at least I know my audience, don’t I?

If you are interested, just comment on the blog, or on Facebook  under the story, or m or message me with your subject idea. Let’s have fun…….

Day 26-Yes, I know, I Missed a Few-“For A Little While”

Well, I was a little busy late last week and managed to miss a few days. Plus at first it seemed really hard to follow that last post about the boys. It was and still is such a tragedy for so many reasons. God rest their souls, and God bless their families.

On the lighter and better side of things, I am super happy right now, because I have a very special young lady from the US Navy home right now. My middle daughter, Miss Kasey Burow, is home for a visit. She came in Sunday evening. We had a nice fajita lunch in Austin at my sisters so that her girls could visit with Kasey. We played some games and had a nice time before heading back home for the evening.

We celebrated a late birthday with Kasey when we got home. She finally got to open the rest of her gifts that we didn’t mail to her since she was coming home. She said we should keep them for her visit. Then she and I played a few rounds of Hell, our favorite card game. It was a nice day.

Monday I spent the day with her as well. We got her truck registered here in Texas instead of Virginia, and then went to Kerrville for lunch and shopping. We even caught a movie while we were there, and then came back to town to Dairy Queen for a shared dinner and ice cream with a friend.
Back at home, we played dominoes with her dad for a while. It was another great day.

Today I had to work, but I did have lunch with her and some of her girlfriends. Later her and Cynthia came to the house, I made supper and then we all watched a movie before the girls ran off to town again. It was really nice.

Kasey will be with us until the 10th. Chelsea comes in this weekend and we will all 5 be together doing family things for once. That will be great. It has been a while since the 5 of us have been together on a non-holiday to just spend time without the hustle and bustle of Holiday schedules. Don’t get me wrong I love having them all here for the holidays too, but they are just so planned and scheduled. This time will just be us doing what we want to do. I can’t wait.

For A Little While

My heart beats with joy,
There is no greater day,
For today my baby is home,
No longer so far away.

I see her smile,
I hear her laugh,
And know she is home again,
For at least a little while.

She makes us proud;
Every day she serves with honor,
This country we love so dear;
Showing strength, proud and clear.

For that we thank her;
For being who she is,
A Navy Airman,
And my beloved daughter.

She is part of the 1 percent,
That live in service for us all,
Living and working so far from home;

Answering the call.

But today she is home,
Making me smile
Sharing her heart with us all
For a little while.

By Ginger Burow

Ok, I know it wasn’t much, but that’s it for tonight.