A Holy Week Correlation to the COVID-19 Pandemic and an Easter Challenge!

Jesus suffered and died because sin spread like a Pandemic across His world, leaving it in need of a cure – a Savior!

The Corona COVID-19 Virus has become a Pandemic spreading across our world leaving it once again scrambling for a cure, a vaccine, a definitive end as people are sick and some are dying. Jesus is still that cure. He will provide healing. Has His world turned to Him fervently in prayer? I haven’t seen it yet, not really, not like they ought to be doing.

When Jesus was arrested, the disciples hid, isolating themselves from the crowds in fear. Though they loved Jesus they lived in fear that they too would suffer his fate, just for being identified as having been close to Him. They prayed and worried.

We are isolating ourselves from each other, family, and friends in fear of catching the virus or spreading it to others unknowingly. We are worrying, but are we praying? Really praying?

Currently our faces are covered to help prevent the spread of the virus from us to others, even if we don’t seem to have it. Unfortunately these coverings do not prevent us from receiving the virus from the uncovered mouths or places where it lingers or floats.

The spreading of God’s word by us should be the same. Our faces may be covered, but it should not prevent the spreading of the Word or sharing of prayer. We have phones, computers, tablets, I pads and countless apps and abilities for texting, videoing, talking and sharing the Good News! It is Easter! We should be spreading the story faster than the virus is spreading. Cover the virus not the Word of God. The world needs it now and always.

What have you done to spread the word and share hope during these trying times?

The disciples and many of Jesus’ followers stayed in isolation after Jesus’ crucifixion, still fearing for their safety as well as feeling lost and confused about what to do without Jesus. But Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to Jesus’ tomb to do what was necessary and customary because these things were essential for a proper burial. They risked everything to do what was right and needed to be done.

Because they buried their fear and continued to do what was necessary and essential, they were the first to receive the Good News that Christ had risen. Along their way, they were the first to see Jesus the risen Lord!

Today as many follow instructions, staying home in isolation and practicing social distancing in order to quell the spread, many, called “Essential Services Workers” are required to work on the front lines to help the sick and to keep all necessary and essential things operating the best they can for the good of all. They are the first to see all the bad as well as the good that happens.

When the storm quells, they will be the first to know that it is real and feel the joy and relief as they spread the news! They will be the first to show true hope for others. They are called upon to put themselves out there for all of us. They need our support and prayer.

Jesus observed the Passover meal and dined with His disciples before His time of trial began, knowing full well what was happening. He took the time and sat around the table with those that had become his students and family.

Our lives had become a crazy, fast paced ordeal before this virus struck. Most families did not even see each other enough to spend an evening once a week at the dinner table together. Granted it may go back to that again when this ends. For now, though, you are isolated at home with your families. You are teaching them, playing with them, watching TV and movies with them, and sharing activities that you may not have done together for a long time. Hopefully, you are sitting with them to eat around the dinner table.

How many times did Jesus tell his disciples and followers, that he would suffer, die, be laid in a tomb, rise again in three days and then go to be seated to rule his kingdom? They never really got it until it was over.

Time with family no matter the circumstances is precious. They will remember this time spent. The question is how will they remember it? That is for you to decide.

Be a witness of God’s love to your families in this time, whether parent or child After all, it is the faith of children and its doubtless strength and belief that Jesus tells us all to aspire to have.

Now is the time! This Easter may not be the big event with your larger groups of family and friends that you had originally planned. Do something to make your family’s Easter special. Next make a video of your Easter fun. Share that video online and tag all your missing family and friends in it so they can see how your family celebrated Easter and the Risen Lord. Then encourage your friends and family to do something and post their fun. Then as this goes on you could turn this exercise into a family fun time weekly.

This is not the worst of times, but only a difficult and different time. Christ is still with us and He will lead us through this. The events that created these circumstances are not good but that does not mean we cannot make good out of the bad.

We will remember this Pandemic and that there was illness and death and fear. We will also remember that there was family, community, new opportunities, and new ways of worship that may have reached even more people. We will remember that for every bad aspect of this, there was also good. Remember those things and work to make more good come out of it.

After all, Christ has Died, Christ has Risen, and Christ will come again! That is what Easter is really all about! And we are Easter people!

“Happy Birthday! Happy Un-Birthday! Happy Day!”–Back into Blogging!

Happy Birthday! No, today is not my birthday; my birthday was actually back on Christmas Day! But I have this great friend that was at my surprise party for my birthday. He told me happy birthday numerous times that evening and vowed to tell me every time he saw me or thought of me from then on. Just because he can. That was back on December 21st and I hadn’t seen or heard from him since then.

Then out of nowhere, I get this singe text. “Happy Birthday!” It made me laugh and smile, and made my day, as I saw who it was from and remembered what he had said.

I have been after myself for some time, but really seriously since New Year’s to reinvent my blog and start writing again. My problem is inspiration and ideas just seem to elude me. At least when I am seriously trying to find then anyway.
When I can’t allocate time to them then there they are. I t is like they know I cannot address them due to the current situation. Usually by the time I can pursue them they have disappeared. Happily hiding in some corner of my brain laughing at me I am sure.

Write it down right away is the common advice. Well it’s hard to write in the shower. Or while you are driving or doing other activities that do not allow for writing at that particular moment. Chanting it until I can write it down can work in some situations, but usually not at work or public. People tend tilt their heads and look at you sideways a lot like your dog does when he is unsure. The difference is then these head tilting people call other people to come take you away.

As it has been for a while now, it seems I only have inspiration to write during rocket season. If it is not high flying, explosive projectiles, the teenagers that develop them, and the thrill of the hunt, I lose interest quickly and cannot find ideas.

I do find fascination and some inspiration in nature. I post pictures almost double daily on Facebook of things I see. It is just when I want to write something of interest it does not always come. Some days the picture inspiration does not come either. Hence why there are so many of the same windmill. By the way I love windmills!

I was pondering this as I listened to John Maxwell‘s Maxwell Minute for the day, entitled, “Fresh”. He was talking about surrounding yourself with people that encourage you to stay fresh. People that encourage your new ideas and do not allow you to grow stale. There in was my problem, I was growing stale. I have known this for a while. I even feared losing my craft all together.

Although, rockets are my most favorite thing to write about these days. They cannot support my writing needs all the time. And many of my ideas I was dismissing because I did not think other folks would have interest or they did not support my ideas. I was allowing myself to throw out every option and grow stale.

So as I thought about this. I was determined to find something to write about and begin finding fun in my favorite talent and craft again. Writing and pictures have always been who I am. The problem was I still did not have a writing prompt or idea to get me started.

Then the text arrived. “Happy Birthday!”

My first thought was who saw my pictures on Facebook and is sending late congratulations? My second at seeing the name only at a glance at first was what is my son up to with this? Then I realized I had not read the whole name and it was not my son. The light went on and I started laughing and responded in kind.

Another John Maxwell tidbit is to find value in others by just being nice to them. Say hello, hold the door, smile, compliment them and through these things both of you find value and feel better. My friend had just helped me find value in myself and what I was trying to do, whether he had intended to or not. As for him, my whole family has found much value in him and his friendship for years. He is a blessing and an inspiration. That being said, I now had an idea.

This day was not my birthday, but suddenly it was a Happy Day! Either way it was still my Un-Birthday as the Mad Hatter from Alice and Wonderland says. And guess what, I have 364 of those so why not enjoy and celebrate them!

Then I thought about Frosty the Snowman, and every time someone puts the magician’s hat back on his head and he comes back to life he says, “Happy Birthday!” After all every time you wake up, it is a “birth” into a new day. So now, I am back to having 364 new “birth days!” Thank the Lord you only have to count 1 day for each of those, and no I am not counting them in total. Years are enough, if you want to feel old, which I do not, then count days of life in total! Yikes!

The point is each day is new! A new day! A new opportunity! And yes, chances for new ideas, new actions, new freedom, new inspirations, new experiences, new attitudes, new friends, new fun with old friends and family, and new life!

So, no, today is not my birthday! It is my Un-Birthday, a “birth” to a new day, and a Happy Day if I so choose to believe it and continue to follow my dreams, no matter how large or small. Because it doesn’t have to be big million dollar ideas, but all of those started somewhere, probably with a small idea.

So who knows what ridiculousness I might put out here for you to read, Ii will just have to run with whatever ideas come my way. I am a little bit silly, goofy, crazy and impulsive at times so just go with it if you will.

Remember that you probably have a gift or talent you may not be fostering at the moment. Don’t you think it might be time to start? Do not let your dreams die! Follow them even if you have to start them much smaller than you think they deserve. Something is better than nothing, and something can grow! Nothing just becomes stale.

I have come full circle in this little thought game. This is how I am starting fresh! What will you do?

“Happy Birthday!”

P.S. This is actually the second writing of this article. The first one was eaten in its entirety by technology! I told it to SAVE and it said, “Cannot perform this task at this time please refresh page!” And it made all my work go away.

The first piece was off the cuff and perfect (at least to my thinking). Recreations are never as perfect as the originals. Sometimes they are better, sometimes they fall way short. If you are lucky, then they are different but just as good. I think this one turned out well. I just wish it could have been the first one. Who knows, by the time I would have edited it, maybe it would be this one.

Biggest lesson is never trust technology and always have either a second version on another platform, or my old trusted, never disappears unless you personally destroy it, paper copy!

Fredericksburg’s Annual Church to Church Walk

Last evening, December 13, my husband, Steve and I attended the annual Church to Church  walk put on by the Gillespie County Ministerial Association, here in Fredericksburg. It was Steve’s first time, I have been several times before and always enjoy it. Last night was an amazing experience though. For the first time ever all churches were full to overflowing with walkers participating. As would be expected, many for the first time.  In fact, the count was 393 people. I don’t think I have ever seen more than 150-200 in the years I have attended. It was nice to see more folks coming out to join in the Christmas festivities centered around the Lord.

The program did not disappoint.The theme was “The Coming Of the Lord.” Each church had a sub theme discussed at their stop.

We began at Zion Lutheran Church with a short intro by Reverend Bobby Vitek, GCMA President and also of Holy Ghost Lutheran Church, after which the group joined in the singing of “O come, O Come Emanuel.” Reverend Jeff Hammond of St Barnabas Episcopal Church offered a short reflection on “Wake Us Up to Your Coming.” He talked about how even when our eyes are open we are sometimes not really awake, especially spiritually, and he called for the Lord to really awaken us this Christmas season.  The first stop ended with a choir presentation of “Prepare the Way of the Lord” by the Bethany Chancel Choir.

In spite of some confusion as to which way is East and which is West, Pastor Bobby, gave directions on how to get from Zion to our second stop of Bethany Lutheran Church, and the group was out the door.

Reverend Casey Zesch, Bethany Lutheran, began  the second leg of our journey with responsive readings followed by the singing by the group of the hymn, “Prepare the Royal Highway”. Pastor Travis Meyer, also of Bethany presented thoughts on “Prepare Us for Your Coming”. He spoke about how now that we are awake to Christ’s coming we also have to be  prepared for it. He told the story of St. Nicholas and how he prepared the way by helping those less fortunate. St. Nicholas anonymously threw coins through the window  into the   drying stockings of the daughters of a man who was in danger of having to sell his daughters into slavery just so they would be fed and he could continue to survive. Nicholas’s contributions helped the family to stay together and to survive the hard times they were facing.  We not only prepare ourselves but also the world since Christ is the Way to salvation, the royal highway himself.

“A Christmas  Alleluia” was performed by the Oak Hills Worship Team and then the large throng of walkers headed out the door to Holy Ghost.

Fredericksburg Police provided safe passage across Main Street for the group as they walked and visited in the fast chilling December air.

Reverend David Priem provided the responsive reading at Holy Ghost, with “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear” as the hymn afterwards. Reverend Michael Burdick, Victory Fellowship supplied the reflections on “Open Us to Your Coming.”  He asked us that as we now may be awake, and are preparing for Christ’s coming, are we really open to it? Have we really opened ourselves, our hearts, and our lives for Christ to enter in?

The Victory Fellowship Praise Team invited us to sing along with them on “Joy to the World” after the message. Then once again we were all headed out and  down San Antonio Street to the last stop, St. Mary’s Catholic Church.

“Comfort My People” was sung by the St. Mary’s Choir as walkers filed in. Father Enda McKenna, then began with the responsive readings followed by “Soon and Very Soon” sung by the group. The Reverend George Lumpkin of Fredericksburg United Methodist Church(FUMC) took us through a humorous and surprising message on “Surprise Us By Your Coming.” The basis of this message being that we as Christians wait and pray for God to show up in our lives and then we are surprised when he does. The best excerpt from this being when a friend of his that looked like the traditional picture of Jesus, walked up behind his choir director in church and she turned around and hollered, totally surprised that “Jesus” was standing behind her in church!

The FUMC choir sung “Sing Noel, Sing Hallelujah” after which Father Enda gave a closing benediction and instructions on where to go for refreshments and fellowship to end the evening. For those that had taken their cars on this walk, the evening was at a close after refreshments. The rest of us visited a bit  and then made our way back to Zion and our rides home.

It was a wonderful and blessed evening filled with Christmas joy, songs and spiritual preparedness for the season ahead. I personally enjoy going as a way to get myself in the right frame of mind about the season and what it is truly about.

If you missed it this year, it is an annual event so there will be next year. Keep watch on your local church calendar or the chamber calendar next December. If you are looking for a new tradition to start with your family this is a nice one. God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Day 320-Inspirations of Easter

Easter is a time of great joy in the Christian community. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ died in our place, a fallen and unworthy people, so that we might have forgiveness of sins, love, hope, strength, and salvation in order that we might inherit the Kingdom of God, and in so doing, be commissioned to bring others to Him while living in the promise of His continued faithfulness to us and ours to Him. The following Bible verses are wonderful reminders at Easter time of all that He has done and continues to do for us, as well as what He hopes to inspire in us.

God made an enormous sacrifice in order that we might know His true love for us. Think about that for a moment, God made the sacrifice because he loved us. We did nothing to deserve His love, but He loved us, and He made the sacrifice for our salvation. John 3:16 expresses this all in one beautiful verse.
16For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

The image of Christ on His way to the cross should also be a source of strength for us. He showed us how if we call upon the Holy Spirit and put our lives in God’s hands, he will never forsake us, and will indeed give us all the strength we need to accomplish whatever we face.
42”If you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.” 43Then an angel from heaven appeared to Him and gave Him Strength.
Luke 22:42-43

The Easter Holiday is also a symbol of hope. Jesus is our hope for forgiveness and new life. Because of Him, anyone that turns to Him in true acceptance and repentance, can and will be forgiven and saved. He showed this even as He hung dying on the cross, when he extended salvation to another condemned man.
43Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise. Luke 23:43

In Romans 1:16, Paul reminds us that the very salvation of those who would come to believe in Jesus is why He endured the cross. Anyone that calls upon His name and believes in him and is not ashamed shall share in this salvation.
16For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.

The verses known as the Great Commission are the most inspiring, uplifting, and comforting for the Easter season, because they show that not only are we saved, we are claimed and commissioned to act on Jesus’ behalf. Not only did Jesus die for us, but He rose again, and continues to live in each of us. He believes in us so much that he charges us with the work of His kingdom. We are to gather others to Christ, teaching and instructing them so that they too might be saved and go out to help bring His message to even more. And the best part of all, He promises to be with us always, no matter how long it takes and no matter what we come up against. We will never be alone. He will always be there and His Holy Spirit will fill us and enable us to do all we need to do in His name.
19”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
Wow, what a wonderful God we have. He believes in us, He loves us, and He died for us and rose again that we might have life and have it abundantly. The story in itself is its own inspiration. We have life, and the ability to bring that life to others through Jesus Christ. God Bless us all this and every Easter.

Day 275-The In and Out of An Idea

Some days ideas just jump into my head,
But then they look around at all the clutter,
Get scared and jump back out again.

Often I catch them before they get away,
But then they just dangle there
Like a fish on a hook waiting to be reeled back in.

The problem is no time, no room, and
No clear thought process that lasts
Long enough bring them to fruition.

If they get away then often I see them,
Peeping in the window reminding me they tried this once already,
And they still don’t see an opening large enough for them to fit.

So I think on them, trying to figure how to make them work.
Often this annoys them, and instead of seeing my solutions,
They disappear taking half my work with me.

This they seem to do just to punish me
For not paying closer attention and making them room
When they first arrived on the scene.

Why do good ideas always come at bad times;
When you have no access to pen and paper,
And then they expect your full attention and memory?

For example, in the shower;
Even if you were to have a pen and paper,
Just try writing in the shower, it will melt and you will never remember it all.