Day 323-Mystery of Easter

Easter is a time of joy;
It is a time of true love.
When God showed the world He cared,
And came down to us from above.

He sent His Son to us all,
That we might be forgiven.
That we all might learn to forgive,
And in faith go on living.

He spared not even His life;
So that we might come to believe,
And understand His love for us.
So that loving one another, we might achieve.

For God so loved the world,
He gave His only Son to die,
So that those who believe in Him,
Should have everlasting life.

This is God’s love for us all.
This is God’s gift of grace to us each.
This is why we have faith in Him.
This is the Mystery of Easter which we teach!

Have a happy and Blessed Easter!

Day 322-Easter Season (Limerick)

Easter Season is so near,
With bunnies, eggs and cheer.
But what of the cross;
The tomb can’t go lost,
Or Easter’s message, won’t be dear!

Day 321-When I Look Upon the Sacred Cross

Each year as Easter rolls around, I find myself once again in awe of our Lord and Savior and the sacrifices He made for each of us. He created us beautiful and perfect in His sight, but we chose to turn our backs on him and follow in the path of sin. He spent centuries trying to bring us back by showing His power and wrath with floods, famine, plagues and destruction of the worst of us, but never all of us. He spared any that showed Him reverence and faithfulness at all. He continued to love us and when He realized that we were a foolish lot and these things only scared us back to Him for a little while, He chose another route.

He didn’t want to destroy us, but saw that through sin we were destroying ourselves. He took pity on us. He was and is GOD! He could have destroyed us and started over. He could have reached into our hearts and minds and changed them Himself, making us follow Him. He didn’t do that! He wanted a relationship with us. He wanted us to come to Him. He wanted to save as many of us as possible. He wanted us to want Him and love Him. He didn’t want puppets, he wanted children that came to Him in love and served Him in love.

There for He gave us grace.

Long ago He had established that the wages of sin was death. This was a death that would forever separate us from Him, and condemn us to an eternity of pain and suffering. He didn’t want to lose us all to this fate.

So once again He extended a hand to us in saving grace, the hand of Christ His only son. He sent him in the flesh, human like us, and able to feel and know our every pain and temptation. But yet fully divine and perfect and totally undeserving of the suffering He endures for us.

God could have done it any other way, but instead He chose to come to earth and become all that we were, except that He was sinless, in order to save us from all that we are even to this day, which is a sinful and totally undeserving people. He bled and died, was whipped, scourged, beaten and crucified that we might have everlasting life and have it abundantly. He died and rose again, conquering the grave so that our deaths might be a doorway to eternal life with him instead of eternal damnation.

He did all this out of love and a wanting and willingness to have a relationship with us. We did nothing to deserve this outpouring of love yet he freely gave it. We still do not deserve his love, grace and forgiveness, yet we have it and he continues to give it.

How sad it is that it took such drastic measures for us to realize that He wants us to turn our back on sin and follow him.

He didn’t have to die; He chose to do it for us. He chose to take our sins upon him. He could have just as easily destroyed us. Instead, He was able to “destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days,” (Matthew 26:61) hoping that we might finally realize who He is and all we mean to Him.

When I look upon the sacred cross,
My heart is broken in my chest,
My lungs are still, my breath a loss,
My soul to Him my one bequest.

He gave Himself for me his all,
That I might live instead of die.
My tears a flood begin to fall,
His pain, my grief and so I cry.

He owes me nothing, He is my God
My sins and burdens, He freely takes.
My life He spares with just a nod,
But with shame my soul still rakes.

Upon that cross He hung for all,
A sinful undeserving lot.
It took His life for us on our knees to fall,
And find the love that sin forgot.

As I look upon that sacred cross,
And see the pain He bore for me,
So that from Him I’d not be lost,
My eyes are open, I finally see.

His hand in grace He now extends,
With faith in Him I do believe
In God whose love has shown no ends
So His service I will never leave.

Day 320-Inspirations of Easter

Easter is a time of great joy in the Christian community. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ died in our place, a fallen and unworthy people, so that we might have forgiveness of sins, love, hope, strength, and salvation in order that we might inherit the Kingdom of God, and in so doing, be commissioned to bring others to Him while living in the promise of His continued faithfulness to us and ours to Him. The following Bible verses are wonderful reminders at Easter time of all that He has done and continues to do for us, as well as what He hopes to inspire in us.

God made an enormous sacrifice in order that we might know His true love for us. Think about that for a moment, God made the sacrifice because he loved us. We did nothing to deserve His love, but He loved us, and He made the sacrifice for our salvation. John 3:16 expresses this all in one beautiful verse.
16For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

The image of Christ on His way to the cross should also be a source of strength for us. He showed us how if we call upon the Holy Spirit and put our lives in God’s hands, he will never forsake us, and will indeed give us all the strength we need to accomplish whatever we face.
42”If you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.” 43Then an angel from heaven appeared to Him and gave Him Strength.
Luke 22:42-43

The Easter Holiday is also a symbol of hope. Jesus is our hope for forgiveness and new life. Because of Him, anyone that turns to Him in true acceptance and repentance, can and will be forgiven and saved. He showed this even as He hung dying on the cross, when he extended salvation to another condemned man.
43Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise. Luke 23:43

In Romans 1:16, Paul reminds us that the very salvation of those who would come to believe in Jesus is why He endured the cross. Anyone that calls upon His name and believes in him and is not ashamed shall share in this salvation.
16For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.

The verses known as the Great Commission are the most inspiring, uplifting, and comforting for the Easter season, because they show that not only are we saved, we are claimed and commissioned to act on Jesus’ behalf. Not only did Jesus die for us, but He rose again, and continues to live in each of us. He believes in us so much that he charges us with the work of His kingdom. We are to gather others to Christ, teaching and instructing them so that they too might be saved and go out to help bring His message to even more. And the best part of all, He promises to be with us always, no matter how long it takes and no matter what we come up against. We will never be alone. He will always be there and His Holy Spirit will fill us and enable us to do all we need to do in His name.
19”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
Wow, what a wonderful God we have. He believes in us, He loves us, and He died for us and rose again that we might have life and have it abundantly. The story in itself is its own inspiration. We have life, and the ability to bring that life to others through Jesus Christ. God Bless us all this and every Easter.