Day 134-Focus on a Writing Challenge

Focus is sometimes the hardest part of writing. I often sit down to write and end up with nothing because I have so many things on my mind that I would like to write about that I leave the page blank in indecision.

Part of my problem is simply not wanting to be like so many others I see. I don’t want to get on here and tell you my life story all the time. I don’t want to use this a place to rant and rave about problems, people, and day-to-day things that irritate me. Trust me the temptation is there quite often. I don’t want to complain or say things that would cause any grief or backlash to any of my friends or family. That is hard quite often too, because sometimes I have a very valid gripe and maybe even an idea of how to better things, but know that voicing these things would only make things worse because the people involved simply don’t think they are allowed to be questioned and would take it out on others.

I am not a “politically correct” person, I prefer to say what I think, albeit in as polite but straight forward way that I can. The problem with this, is also knowing when to speak and when to perhaps wait for a more appropriate time. This is an even harder point, because those of us that like to speak our mind honestly, usually don’t like to have to hold our tongues, but necessity is sometimes just that.

I prefer to stay out of all things political, frankly because that seems to be all I see, hear and read right now, and I just don’t want to add to it, or argue about it with anyone. I do my own research, make my own choices, talk to people on occasion about it, but my views are my views and I don’t want to debate them on here.

I want to write interesting things, although this one may not be, but sometimes you just have to write your way through what you are thinking in order to create a subject to focus on. That is what I am doing today. I have so many things going on in my life that I would love to vent about, but it wouldn’t be wise, so then I have trouble focusing and coming up with an actual subject.

I have considered the idea of allowing my readers to pick subjects and ideas for me to write about. I am mostly a creative writer so I like fiction. It is fun and freeing. I have done plenty of non-fiction as well, and even a little history, tons of poetry, some community interest pieces, short, long and in between.  And now I blog,  where the subject matter is less organized and more spontaneous, which is good and bad. I had intended it to be more daily so that I would write more, but then my favorite subject (ie. rockets) only has big news a few times a year, so I have to find other things to write about.

As you can tell, I can be long-winded, but I have finally come to the Focus of this blog piece. I will continue to write what I want as the mood strikes, but in order to keep me writing on a more regular basis, I would like to entertain the idea of letting people who read this blog, suggest story ideas for me to contemplate and possibly  use. What I will probably do is continue to title my blogs with the blog day # like I do, but then on days that the subject is picked by a reader I will call them Challenge Stories and they will have an assigned # and Title. I will also occasionally write a blog giving the latest ideas and highlighting the ones that I plan to use. Now this will just be for fun but if I use an idea I will reference the  person that suggested it. Be creative, adventurous, and fun.

I guess I will see if anyone really reads this now won’t I?  if no one sends messages with ideas I know I am only writing to entertain myself, which if that is the case, at least I know my audience, don’t I?

If you are interested, just comment on the blog, or on Facebook  under the story, or m or message me with your subject idea. Let’s have fun…….

Day 6-Crazy Tuesday

It was just another crazy Tuesday at work, getting ready for Billing on Friday, which I won’t be there for since I will be, you guessed it, chasing rockets. Due to that though I had some reports and things to run and check in a hurry so that all would be done in my absence that could be. What comes in after tomorrow will be someone else’s to deal with, except what is left when I get there on Monday. Oh Monday, bad word, it will be a tired Monday after a fun, but tiring weekend. That’s ok, because it is always fun and so worth it to be involved with SystemsGo.

Chelsea drove truck all day today for her job. She put in 12 hours behind the wheel for her employer. This is new for her only the second week, to do this, because their usual drivers are out with injuries. That’s ok she took to it like a pro. There is nothing that girl won’t tackle I believe. So proud of how strong and independent she is. She is a special girl. She is a sweetheart too. She left me the sweetest note on my bed when she left Monday telling me how much she loves me and believes she is lucky to have me for her mom. Made me cry. I love her tons. She and her sister Kasey are such jewels. I am the lucky one to have both of them.

Well the parenting class I have been attending, for the last 8 weeks is winding down. In fact, we are going to close up shop after next week’s class, I do believe. I can’t say it hasn’t been interesting, even if I didn’t really want to go in the beginning. There really is a lot of things people could learn for their roles with children. In fact it wouldn’t hurt every parent to take this course even if they aren’t required too. I really wish my husband would have had to take it too, but he got out of it claiming to be on call and having to miss too many classes.  There is much he could have used from it.

In all honesty, there isn’t a person in the class that would have taken it willingly. Thank you to our sons for providing this necessity. That being said, though, we are all lucky that our sons are the great kids they are, because it has worked in their favor in this little one time big goof up of theirs. In spite of this, I love him greatly and nothing could change that, and I try to tell him daily. He is still my prince.

It has actually been fun though. Our instructor is great. Having him on speed dial as an extra disciplinarian has come in handy too. Having the, “let’s see what Ron says” option has come in handy a time or two and will probably again before this little ride is completely over.

Someday, I might post the story I have written about this little adventure, and tell you all about it, but for now, I just want to see it to its end and hope it is behind us never to be revisited again. Hopefully no more proverbial bridges in our future. Let’s just leave it at that.

Only one more work day, and then Chelsea and her friend Guy will be here again and the rest of the week/weekend will be all about the Rockets. Well almost there will be a wedding mixed in there too. Not sure how that will all work out, but I am sure it will. This reminds me I need to see if the dress is ready to pick up tomorrow since we will be in Willow the rest of the week. One more thing for the to do list.

It is funny how each day I start this thinking what will I write? Nothing happened in my life today, interesting enough to write about, and then the words just start flowing. I hope you find some interest in my silly little blog. It hasn’t drawn much attention, likes or even any posts or comments, so I really don’t even know if anyone is reading it. That’s ok, though, because it’s very therapeutic for me and that’s what it is really for anyway.

Well, I do believe I am about done for this evening. Tune in tomorrow to see what words of wisdom or ridiculousness I come up with again. And definitely you want to tune in Thursday through Sunday for more up to date Rocket’s high lights.

Catch you tomorrow on a Whirlwind Wednesday. as always is the place for more information on this program. Take the time to get your school involved, the future of your students will be greatly benefited.


In The Beginning

This is basically a writer’s blog, with the main writer being of course, me. It will be a way to share writing and keep myself busy doing some form of writing, hopefully every day. At some times it will be things I have written and want to share. At other times, it will be interesting things I am involved in that I want to share with you, whomever you may be that decide you want to read my words of wisdom, or perhaps not. You see, there I go, sometimes things may be really serious, other times they may be completely goofy and off the wall.

I will give you a little preview of next week’s blogs. I do intend to share some highlights from the SystemsGo Fredericksburg Rocket Launches in Willow City. If I can figure this out and add pictures I will try to do that too. I am helping with recovery again this year, and am super excited to help. It is always a blast. There will also be a live video link so you can come out and watch in person or from the safety of your computer at home.

If you have never heard of this, it is part of the STEM program now available in area high schools. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math and is designed to start our children in future careers in all these now heavily technical fields. If you listen to the radio you may have heard ads by the US Navy backing this program (STEM), they are highly interested in receiving candidates that have had prior training and education in this program because our military has become very hi tech as well. This program benefits our youth whether going the college and job route or the military route. If you have a junior high or high school age student encourage them to get into the STEM program at their school. If your school has not yet developed a program, encourage them to do so, because these are the big jobs of the future.

Skills learned in the different areas required by STEM and programs like the rocket program and other programs in STEM encompass more than just the four core classes you hear in the name STEM. Students in these programs, learn skills in mechanics, welding, PlasmaCAM, wood working, and other hands on building skills. They learn grant writing and proposals in order to fund their projects. They learn business skills, presentation and marketing, research and analysis, design and development, materials, inventory, and product ordering and so much more. Most of all they learn critical thinking and how to work both on their own and as a part of a larger group that each contributes a vital piece to their project in order to have it completed and successful.

I personally have had a nephew, niece and 2 daughters that have gone through our local program and they have all benefited from it greatly. My nephew, is top management at SpaceX in McGregor, TX, my niece is in Avionics Electronics  in the US Navy, one daughter is an Aviation Structural Mechanic for helicopters in the US Navy, and my older daughter is studying Electrical Engineering at Texas Tech University.

This week several of our program graduates, the SYSTEMSGO coordinators, and several volunteers are headed to Clute down by Lake Jackson, TX to help several Houston area schools launch their rockets. Next week the team and many more volunteers will be here at Hillview Ranch in Willow City, TX to help over 30 Texas high schools attempt to launch over 80 more rockets. It is well worth the time to watch, not only to see the rockets fly, but to see the joy in the students’ faces as their project of 1-2 years in the making, comes to a successful end. To clarify, even if the rocket doesn’t fly, it is still a success in all that the students learned to get it here, and in what they will continue to learn from analyzing what went wrong that prevented it’s flight. The hard work that is done to get them to this point is the true success and is a catalyst that will help launch them into their future careers.

Ok maybe I did know what  to write about today.

Houston launches are this weekend, May 9 & 10.

Fredericksburg launches are next week, May 14-17. Come watch them or watch online at the SystemsGo web page. Directions and details are also on this website.

Watch this crazy blog for more updates.