Day 5 -“Maybe” a nostalgic short, and Monday’s high lights, or not…..


I remember a time, long ago, yet not so long ago. We were young, we were friends; maybe we were more than friends. Maybe, we really didn’t know.

We played together, and fought together, and ran through pastures in daylight and dark.  We were born into each other’s knowing, and grew up in each other’s worlds.

We were together from childhood into adulthood, we were friends, like brother and sister, maybe more, although neither of us knew, or maybe we did.  We shared a lifetime together, playing, laughing, daring, wondering, exploring the world.

We began to grow up, and we saw each other differently, or did we?

Our lives grew apart, we still shared good times, but they became fewer.  We watched each other’s lives sometimes from a distance while we were yet near.

We warned each other about mistakes, but neither listened.  We tried to save each other from such things, but neither could be saved.  We were young, but no longer children and we knew better, or did we?

Then one day we lost touch, and only saw brief moments of each other’s lives through reports from others.  We both became an old memory, a forgotten past; frames of an old movie that just stopped with no ending; a cliff hanger that no one bothered to complete. No sequel.

Maybe our friendship had ended, or maybe not yet?  Maybe our paths would cross again, but when? Or maybe they never would; remaining an unanswered question, an unfinished story, slowly slipping away, lost forever.


Ginger Burow   5/11/15

The SystemsGo crew made it home about 3:30 this morning. Steve went to work at usual time and Chelsea left for Lubbock at 2:00, making it there by 6:30. She will return Wednesday night to help run the pad for Fredericksburg Rockets out in Willow City Thursday through Sunday. Come out and join us and witness the accomplishments of these students.

There will be updates on the rocket launches as the week progresses.

Today was a fairly uneventful Monday, although I did get to have lunch with Chelsea and Steve before she left again. Work was good and busy. I visited my mom at rehab and was pleased to hear they finally had her up and walking and did therapy twice today. She reported that she had numerous visitors today and was well entertained.  Kim and I were both there until about 6:30.

Later I spoke with my Aunt Betty from Wichita Falls. She said they had 9 inches of rain and had spent several times hiding  in the halls with pillows over their heads waiting out Tornado threats. They are still expecting more storms. She was concerned that a cousin of hers was on the way through to Oklahoma, and that she felt that this trip should be cancelled until these storms have left the area.

Weather could be a factor for the upcoming rocket launches this week as well. We will be keeping an eye on the sky for that as well as the rockets. Low ceiling, rain, and high winds could cause us some issues.

To end the evening, I discovered a water leak under the sink in my bathroom and was unable to stop it. After turning valves to only seem to worsen it I finally woke poor Steve to come help. He ended up peeling back the casing on the broken faucet to allow it to drip back into the sink instead of down the inside of it and out the outside of the pipes. What a mess. We have it all opened up drying out until we can replace the old faucet. Funny how things like this always happen when company is due in a few days. At least I found it and it didn’t get a whole lot worse, especially since we  have carpet in this bathroom,

I believe I will end today’s write up on that note.  Funny I had no idea when I started this with the little story, that we would end the evening here. Life just loves surprises, both good and bad, and some slightly in between. God bless you all and good night!